
ただ2つ目の穴埋め問題Dow Jonesのパッセージの方は、株の知識がなければ少し厄介な問題がありました。そこで、このやや難しい記事の方を取り上げてリニューアルの英検穴埋め読解問題攻略法を述べて行きたいと思います。


Dow  Jones

  The Dow Jones industrial average is the most widely recognized barometer of American financial health in the world and is often thought to reliably indicate trends in the entire market. But despite the Dow’s high profile, it is considered of dubious value by some inventers, who feel that it ( 29 ) the broader American economy. For one thing, the Dow contains just 30 stocks, a number too small to represent the more dynamic economy at large.  

(29) 1. fails to mirror  2. simply mimics
3. is a product of  4. depends too much on
語句 high-profile(人目を引く、知名度の高い) attracting a lot of attention and interest from the public and media, etc.
mirror(正確に映し出す) to represent something truthfully




  Unlike any other major market index, the Dow is “price-weighted” meaning that companies with the highest-priced stocks are the most influential. A $ 1 move in a $ 100 dollar stock is only a change of 1percent for that company, not an unusual occurrence, whereas a $ 1 move in a $ 10 stock would be a change of 10 percent and a major event. However, as the net change is the same in both cases, the movements are reflected equally on the Dow. ( 30 ) , smaller companies on the index can have a disproportionately large impact if their stock prices happen to be high. For example, fluctuations in the fortunes of the $49 billion 3M company have a comparatively larger effect than changes in the $230 billion General Electric Company simply because 3M’s stock is worth more than four times that of General Electric. ( 31 ), other indexes ?such as the popular S&P 500- are “market capitalization-weighted.” The influence of a company’s stock on these indexes depends not only on the price of an individual share but also on the total value of all the company’s shares on the market put together.

(30) 1. Similarly  2. Furthermore 
3. On the other hand  4. As a result
(31) 1. In the same way  2. In other words
3. In contrast  4. In fact

問題30番は、専門的で少し文脈がつかみにくくやや難しい問題となっています。株価の平均算出方式には、日経ダウのように個々の株価を足して割って平均を出すprice-weighted index(株価平均型)と、東証平均株価(TOPIX)のように、株価に株式発行数を掛け合わせ平均を出すcapitalization-weighted index(時価総額加重型)があって、前者は株の発行部数が考慮されていないために正当な評価とはいえないという指摘があります。この背景知識があれば、読解は非常に簡単でしょう。



1. 因果関係(順接) therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a result, under the circumstances, hence, for this reason, inevitably(必然的に)
2. 逆説 however, but (on the other hand), yet, still, to(on) the contrary, nevertheless
3. 追加情報 furthermore, moreover, in addition, on top of that, besides, what is more, by the sametoken(同様に), similarly, incidentally(ちなみに)
4. 強調(証明) indeed, in fact, the fact(of the matter) is, in reality, in actuality, in effect, the reality is, most important, especially, without doubt, basically, essentially, fundamentally, last but not least(最後に述べるが重要なことに)
5. 比較・対照 in(by) contrast, on the other hand, compared with 〜, by comparison, apart from 〜, unlike, at the other end of the spectrum(その対極にあるのは)
6. 例証 for example, for instance, specifically(具体的には)
7. 場合・状況 in this case, in this connection, in any case, at any rate, at this rate(この調子では)
8. 言い換え in other words, that is to say
9. 要約 in conclusion, to sum up, in short, in sum,
10. その他 interestingly(興味深いことに)、in the process(その過程で)