health hazard(健康を害するもの)
coincidence in opinion(意見の一致)
deterrent effect(抑止効果)
do away with formality(堅苦しいことは抜きにする) |
vicious circle(悪循環)
cordial hospitality(心からのもてなし)
sluggish economy(不況、停滞している経済)
docile animal(従順な動物) |
beam excitedly(ワクワクして微笑む)
fire flickered brightly(火が明るく揺らめいた)
wave a banner(旗を振る)
Fire flares up again.(火が再び燃え上がる) |
underground stem(地下茎)
That gives me the creeps.(あれはゾッとする)
grip strength(握力)
flaw in a jewel(宝石の傷) |
intolerant of bad manners (不作法に我慢できない)
gullible customer(だまされやすい客)
tangible asset(有形資産)
stubborn attitude(頑固な態度) |
landmark event(画期的な事件)
as a memento of one's mother (母の形見として)
He gave me a cue to start speaking. (彼は私に話し始めるよう合図を出した) |
setback in one's business(仕事上の失敗)
upstart politician(成り上がりの政治家)
holdover from the feudal times (封建時代の遺物) |
subjective report(主観的な報告)
subsequent event(以後の出来事)
preceding period(前期)
premeditated crime(計画的な犯行) |
put forward a program(計画を提唱する)
put forward a candidate(候補者に指名する)
play down the problem (問題を甘く見る)
set off a movement to ban DDT (DDTを禁止する運動を起こす)
set off for the a beach(ビーチへ出発する)
set off a bomb (爆弾を爆破させる)
The new yellow cushions nicely set off the pale green
of the chair covers.
The littlest things have set him off.
cast out the devil (悪魔を追い出す) |
carry out a project (計画を実行する)
carry out an orders(命令を実行する)
clear up a difficulty (問題を片付ける)
clear up a mess (散らかっている物を片付ける)
The medicine kicked in soon. (薬がすぐに効きはじめた)
The organization kicked in some $20,000 for the project.
kick in the door (ドアを蹴破る)
pay off a debt (借金を返す)
Your studies have paid off(勉強の成果ですよ)
pay off several witnesses (何人かの証人を金で買収する) |
run through a script (脚本を下読みする)
run through a list (リストに目を通す)
Racism runs right through society. (人種差別が社会にまさに広がっている)
run the villain through with
a spear (悪者を槍で突く)
hold out a glass of water for ((人)に水のグラスを差し出す)
hold out for a long time (長持ちする、長期間持ちこたえる)
shake off a fever (熱を払いのける)
track down a problem (問題を突き止める) |
25. |
take on extra work (時間外労働を引き受ける)
take her on as a assistant
take on all comers(誰の挑戦にも応じる)
take on a new enterprise
pack tools away (道具を元ある場所へかたづける)
stick with someone until someone gets out of the crowd
stick with a development project
stick with one's goal
pass over someone's remark
pass someone over for promotion
((人)を昇進の候補からはずす) |