(3) To complete each item, choose the best word among the each five choices.

1. 悪事をうまくやってのける (    ) off the trick
2. 彼に八つ当たりする (    ) my anger out on him
3. 彼の失敗を口外する (    ) on about his failure
4. 様々なタイプで売られている (    ) in various types
5. その賞を勝ち取る (    ) off the prize
6. They (    ) a verdict of not guilty.
7. You'd better consider this and (    ) this into your decision making.
8. To confirm the diagnosis, the hospital laboratory must (    ) a colony of bacteria.
9. He has already (    ) $25million into the project.
10. I wanted to (    ) Frances the embarrassment of discussing this subject.

     1〜5  carry, come, let, pull, take
    6〜10  culture, phase, return, sink, spare

(4) To complete each item, choose the best phrases among the five choices.

1. It is quite clear that the blame (    ) (    ) him.
2. When I have free time I drop into a bookstore and (    ) (    ) a magazine.
3. During the War, the Allies completely (    ) (    ) this town.
4. He (    )(    ) a whole new field of study for himself.
5. The power company is trying to (    ) (    ) the fluctuations in the electricity supply.
   carve out, leaf through, rest with, smooth out, wipe out