(3) To complete each item, choose the best word among the each five choices.

1. She always gives the student (     ) praise.
2. The new law is obviously to score (     ) points with women.
3. He’s always making (     ) remarks about women.
4. Considering the (     ) situation, she hemmed and hawed.
5. I sometimes release my (     ) discontent by singing karaoke.
6. If you're the sort of person who enjoys traveling, young children can be a (    ).
7. Once again Clinton had to run the (     ) of the press.
8. The terrorist (     ) condemned the decision.
9. We offer a range of repayment plans to suit every (    ).
10. You need some work experience under your (    ) .

     1~5  brownie, pent-up, snide, ticklish, unreserved,
    6~10  belt, fringe, gauntlet, pocket, tie

(4) To complete each item, choose the best phrases among the five choices.

1. The lawyer will (      ) (      ) the conditions of this contract.
2. Bad boys (      ) him (      ) to steal CDs in the store.
3. If I were you, I would (      ) (      ) that chance.
4. All those weeks of studying will (      ) (      ) when you take the exam.
5. The memory is one that will be hard to (      ) (      ).
   egg on, live with, pay off, snap up, spell out