

(3) To complete each item, choose the best word among the each five choices.

1. I think hefs just (@butter@ ) ing you up for a raise.
2. She brings home the (@bacon@@ ).
3. The manager dropped the new plan like a hot (@potato@ ) .
4. The president had to eat humble (@pie@ ) .
5. Whatfs the (@@beef @ ) about this time?
6. He (@discharged@ ) his many college duties with the quiet competence.
7. When he's out on the road, office calls are (@forwarded@ ) to the cellular phone in his truck.
8. The city authorities said the curfew had (@contained@ ) the violence.
9. I could speak their language and (@identify@ ) with their problems because I had been there myself.
10. Allegations of corruption were (@leveled@ ) at him and his family.

@@@@@1`5 @bacon, beef, butter, pie, potato
@@@@6`10 @contain, discharge, forward, identify, level

(4) To complete each item, choose the best phrases among the five choices.

1. As I listened to him, my objections (@@melted@ ) (@away@ ) .
2. We (@@hashed@ ) (@out@ ) some of the details of the plan.
3. He'll (@touch@ ) (@up@ ) the places that haven't been painted yet.
4. This is the point at which I have to (@sign@ )(@off@ ) .
5. We decided that it was wiser to (@pass@ ) (@over@ ) his insulting remark rather than call further attention to it.
@@@hash out, melt way, pass over, sign off, touch up