

(3) To complete each item, choose the best word among the each five choices.

1. He is (@@@ ) a friendly smile.
2. Her land (@@@ ) two square miles.
3. His name (@@@ ) the front page of the newspaper.
4. I donft know what she (@@@ ) in him.
5. I was (@@@ ) by her question.
6. You (@@@ ) a look at your watch to see how long you've got to wait.
7. He (@@@ ) a price for the repairs.
8. The work of an architect of genius always (@@@ ) the attention no matter how little remains.
9. A few people tried to (@@@ ) the insurance companies
10. She offered to (@@@ ) a legacy on Katharine.

@@@@@1`5 @cover, make, see, stick, wear
@@@@6`10 @arrest, milk, quote, settle, sneak

(4) To complete each item, choose the best phrases among the five choices.

1. I really (@@@ ) (@@@ ) this new project with my late work.
2. It took me at least two months to (@@@ ) (@@@ ) The decline of the West.
3. I think we need to (@@@ ) (@@@ ) racism in this country.
4. The new strategy was intended to (@@@ )(@@@ ) our competitors.
5. All the difficulties were finally (@@@ ) (@@@ ) and the contract signed.
@@@iron out, freeze out, screw up, stamp out, wade through