

(1)To complete each item, choose the best word among the ten choices.

1. I want to erase my ( poignant ) memories of an unhappy childhood.
2. gStoogeh and gScroogeh are highly ( derogatory ) names.
3. The Japanese student took a(n) ( interdisciplinary ) course in Asian studies.
4. In countries like Britain political debate are ( polarized ) between two major parties.
5. This is an extremely ( versatile ) new kitchen gadget.
6. Except for a brief two-year ( hiatus ) Ms. Clements has devoted herself to her medical career.
7. Your ( blase ) attitude gives your students an erroneous impression of the joys of scholarship.
8. Comparison will be easier if you ( juxtapose ) the two objects.
9. The hostages were held under ( duress ) until the prisonersf demands were met.
10. That student is ( high-strung ) under psychological pressure for the exam.
blase, derogatory, duress, hiatus, high-strung, interdisciplinary, juxtapose poignant, polarize, versatile

(2)To complete each item, choose the best word among the four choices.

1. The executive director blandly dismissed what the young worker said as
( irrelevant ).
  1. pertinent 2. imaginative 3. irrelevant 4. sensitive
2. News is constantly being made and is therefore quickly dated. Because of this, radio news is a highly ( perishable ) commodity.
  1. perishable 2. permanent 3. pertinent 4. pervasive
3. A ( flawless ) diamond is very rate, so it is extremely expensive.
  1. spotless 2. flawless 3. stainless 4. seamless
4. We made a serious mistake in the chemistry experiment yesterday. Unfortunately, it was too late to ( rectify ) it.
  1. rectify 2. restrict 3. recover 4. reclaim
5. The excellent baseball manager considered it important to ( instill ) pride in the players.
  1. invoke 2. harbor 3. instill 4. muster
6. The ( blighted ) leaves have turned brown and splotchy.
  1. blighted 2. blocked 3. boggled 4. glossed
7. Although the young man had often been in trouble with the police, he proved to be ( amenable ) to the guidance offered by the new principal.
  1. amenable 2. despicable 3. inimitable 4. irrevocable
8. As might be expected of one who had spent a solitary childhood, the man disliked people and was something of an ( introvert ).
  1. extrovert 2. extractor 3. introvert 4. impresario
9. A tree which sheds its leaves annually is referred to as ( deciduous ).
  1. evergreen 2. ephemeral 3. fugacious 4. deciduous
10. A ( cursory ) glance pays little attention to details.
  1. furtive 2. cursory 3. cryptic 4. fleeting