


1.次の英文を読み, 下記の設問に答えなさい。(18点)

 One area of confusion when talking about immigrants is deciding [1]who exactly is a foreigner. Here the key distinction is between someone who is ‘foreign-born’ and someone who has a foreign nationality - that is, who travels on a passport issued by another country. Any immigrant who naturalizes as a citizen of their new country immediately ceases to be a ‘foreigner’ but he or she will always be foreign-born. According to the US census for 1990, 7.9% of the population were foreign-born, but only 4.7% were still foreigners because the rest had become naturalized citizens. This means that the proportion of foreigners will depend to a certain extent on[2] [become, how, to, is, a, it, citizen, easy]. In France, for example, the proportion of residents who are foreigners has remained fairly stable since 1975, at 6 to 7%, but the proportion who are foreign-born is probably around 11%. In Germany on the other hand, naturalization has traditionally been more difficult so the proportion of foreigners remains ( [3] ).
A further complication is that some people regard anyone belonging to an ethnic minority ( [4] ) an immigrant, even if they have been born in that country. In the United Kingdom around 6% of the population belong to a minority ethnic group. The foreign-born however are only 4%, and many of those are ‘white’ people who have come from Europe, Australia and elsewhere

問1.下線部 [1] を言い換えたものとして, もっとも適切なのは次の(ア)〜(エ)のどれか, 記号を○で囲め。

(ア) the number of foreigners (イ) the ethnicity of a foreigner
(ウ) the lifestyle of a foreigner (エ) the definition of a foreigner

問2. [2] の括弧内の語を, 意味の通るように並べ換えなさい。


問3.空欄 [3] に入るべき最も適切な語は, 次の(ア)〜(エ)のどれか, 記号を○で囲め。

(ア) lower (イ) higher
(ウ) stable (エ) unstable

問4.空欄 [4] に適切な1語を補いなさい。


問5.本文によると, 一般に「外国人」と呼ばれる人々が3種類いる。その3種類の人たちを簡潔に記しなさい。

(1)    (2)    (3)   

問6.本文の内容に合致するように, 次の(1), (2)の文の空所に適切な数値を入れなさい。

(1) 1990年の合衆国の国勢調査において, 帰化を果たした者の人口比は〔      〕%である。
(2) フランスにおける外国出生者の割合は, 英国の〔      〕倍にはとどかないが, それに近い数値である。

