
get on your soapbox(自説を主張する;to tell people your own strong opinions about something loudly and forcefully) 
the jury is (still) out(決定は下されていない;people do not yet know the answer or have a definite opinion about it)
garner(集める:to collect something, usually after much work or with difficulty)
impede(邪魔する;to slow down or cause problems for the advancement or completion of something)
bemoan(〜を悲しむ; to complain or say that you are disappointed about something)
detrimental(有害な;causing harm or damage)
corresponding(相当する;similar, or resulting from something else) 
back away (〜を敬遠する;to show that you do not support a plan or idea any more) 
take up/pick up the slack(代役を務める、不足を補う)to do the work which someone else has stopped doing but which still needs to be done 
a case in point(代表例) an example which shows that what you are saying is true 
bereft(奪われた (動)bereaveの過去・過去分詞;lacking something or feeling great loss)
distort(歪める;to change something from its usual, original, natural or intended meaning, condition or shape) 
bow to 〜(〜に屈する)
particle accelerator(粒子加速器)



1. 政府研究助成は経済成長を阻むとキーリー氏は言う
2. 英国の政策の歴史はそれを如実に表している。
3. 米国と日本でも研究費増と経済成長の関係のなさか反比例までも示している
4. 問題はあるが民間企業の助成の方が確かなメリットがある。
5. 一番無難なのは色々なソースからの研究助成を進めることだ。



(32) Which of the following is true according to the passage?
1. Terence Kealy feels that Britain’s industrial revolution can be traced to improper government policyduring the nineteenth century.
2. Britain’s recovery from an economic slump is referred to as “ curious” because Terence Kealy’s theories predict that the very opposite should have happened.
3. Judging from the example of Japanese investment mentioned by the author, government funding of scientific research appears to be inversely related to economic growth.
4. The “phenomenon” mentioned in the third paragraph refers to the growing trends in the United States away from government investment in university research.

On the other side of the world , Japan was investing the lowest percentage of government resources in scientific research in the second half of the twentieth century, yet grew the fastest of all countries.

このように読解問題を解くには、パラフレーズされた選択肢の意味を正確に理解する「語彙力」がいります。つまり、”A is inversely related to B(Aが小さくなればBが大きくなる相対性)”がわかれば正解がわかるでしょう。その他の選択肢は、1はcan be traced to 〜(=can be caused by 〜)がわかれば簡単でしょう。そんなことはどこにも書かれていないので誤答。2はなかなかきついdistractor(誤答)ですが、注意して読むと、キーリーの言う”curious”な出来事とは、研究助成を減らすと経済成長し始めたという歴史的事実のことであって、彼の予測がはずれたわけではありません。4は、”the phenomenon”がそういった逆の相対関係のことであることがわかれば容易に誤答とみなして削除できるはずです。1、4の選択肢は論外として、2は”be inversely related to 〜“がはっきりわからない人は少し迷ったかもしれません。


(33) The Superconducting Super Collider project is mentioned primarily as evidence that
1. government sponsorship of scientific research projects can slow a country’s long-term economic growth.
2. government sponsorship is unpredictable and can be withdrawn before a project is completed.
3. private sponsorship is not necessarily more biased than government sponsorship
4. Private sponsorship is slowly gaining acceptance among critics

But while corporate meddling certainly does occur, science clearly benefits from private sponsorship , and government funding has been known to suddenly dry up, leaving huge scientific projects bereft of cash, as happened during the Superconducting Super Collider project in 1993.

いかがですか。”suddenly”を”unpredictably”でパラフレーズしていることを見抜き、suddenly dry up, leaving huge scientific projects bereft of cash(資金がなくなり) からinfer(推論)すれば、すぐに正解は3であることがわかります。ここでも語彙力と推論力があれば、誤ってdistractors(誤答)を選ぶことがないでしょう。