(Words & Phrases)

□dish sth up: to produce or serve a meal: dish (supper) up(夕食を作る)
□swerve(v): [I] to change direction, especially suddenly swerve from the road(道路から反れる)
□infatuated: having a very strong but not usually lasting feeling of love or attraction for someone or something: infatuated with a girl(女にのぼせる)
□stricture: a statement of severe criticism or isapproval:strictures on the prying press(詮索好きなマスコミの制限)
□interweave: weave together or combine two or more things so that they cannot be separated easily: interweave truth with fiction(虚実取り混ぜる)
□loathe: to hate someone or something: loathe evil(悪をひどく憎む)
□espouse: to become involved with or support an activity or opinion: espouse a movement(運動を支持する)
□mores: the traditional customs and ways of behaving that are typical of a particular (part of) society: middle-class mores(中流階級のしきたり、社会習慣)



1. 子育て方法は科学的なものよりも文化的、倫理的、経済的なものに基づいていた。
2. 工業化のなかでの科学者は子供たちが激動の時代を生き抜くための科学的方法を親に教える。
3. 子育ては親に任せるものではない。作り上げてきた社会的経済的仕組みの中で育てるべき
4. 教育方針の二極化(厳しいか自由放任か)
5. 科学的教育法がいいのかという筆者の感想


(32)   What helped lead to the birth of the field of child development m the early twentieth century?
  1. Parents became concerned that their children would become too hardened by the harsh realities of the industrialized world.
  2. Intellectuals believed that traditions would be lost during the rapid changes of industrialization.
  3. The government and the military realized that scientific methods of child rearing were failing.
  4. Some people began to worry that parents were not providing their children with the skills necessary for modern lifestyles.

この問題のポイントは、第1段落の”changing social concerns”、第2段落2行目の”Amid this confusion, reformers called on scientists to provide parents with advice on how to prepare their children for this harsh new world” で、そこから判断して、容易に解答は4であることがわかります。

読解問題を解くには、パラフレーズされた選択肢の意味を正確に理解することが必要です。つまり、some peoplereformers の言い換え、how to prepare their children for this harsh new world the skills necessary for modern lifestyles.言い換えを見抜き、be began to worry that 〜は、「reformersが科学者に子供が激動の世界を生き抜けるようにする方法を親に助言するように言う」は、裏返して考えて「心配している→科学者に頼む」という行間を読めれば、この問題は簡単に解けるはずです。



(33)   How did the two world wars affect child-rearing practices?
  1. The first led to an emphasis on science while the second resulted in parents becoming more loving toward their children.
  2. 2 The first pushed parents to rely on experts, 'while the second encouraged parents to develop their own coercive child-rearing practices.
  3. Both made parents concerned that they weren't spending enough time with their children. '
  4. Both showed the increasing importance of scientific data in the development
of effective child-rearing practices.

way for experts to claim that too much motherly love was counterproductive.”と、”World-renowned baby expert Dr. Benjamin Spock developed his approach at this time, decrying coercive child-rearing practices and espousing greater love and freedom for both parents and children.”で、その対照的な2つとは、「厳しいものとやさしく甘いもの」です。正解は1ですが、”on science”となっていて答えだとわかりにくいかもしれないので、他の選択肢を見てみると、まず3はそのようなことが書いていないので論外で、4はbothではないので間違い、そして2は、第2次世界大戦はcoercive child-rearing(強制的な力による子育て)とではなく、その反対の「愛情が大切」といっているので間違いです。したがって、消去法で1が正解であるとわかります。

このように歴史の流れをつかむ”chronological contrast”は、リーディング問題、リスニング問題共に非常に重要です。


(34)   Which of the following did NOT encourage the increasing role of professional advice on child rearing?
  1. The decline of traditional communities in the modern world.
  2. The use of IQ tests on U.S. Army recruits.
  3. The media's tendency to sensationalize stories about violence and illness.
  4. The research by experts into the causes of anxiety among American parents.

1はthe overreliance on experts can be blamed not only on the breakdown of communitiesということで、コミュニティの崩壊→専門家への依存という図式が成り立ち、不適。2は前の問題でも説明したように、科学的手法で育てられていない新入隊員のIQテストしたら、低かった=科学的手法を導入ということで、encourageしていることになります。3は”sensationalize” を”exaggerate”でパラフレーズしたbut also on the tendency of the press to exaggerate stories about violence, health scares, and accidentsから不適で、消去法で4が正解になります。