新傾向Real-Life 形式の内容一致選択

英検1級の新傾向のReal-Life形式とは、「館内放送やメディアからの放送、会議や留守番電話などの様々な設定に基づいた、臨場感にあふれるリスニング形式」で、英検のリスニング問題がよりTOEICに近くなりましたので、TOEICを受け慣れている人には簡単でしょう。ただしTOEIC と違って、問題文は書かれていないので例によって選択肢から問題予測 する必要があります。

1 To build confidence in oneself.
2 To increase one’s ability to relax.
3 To foster love for children.
4 To reduce unhealthy type of jealousy


Relaxation Through Meditation Techniques

メディテーションか何かで何らかの効能を期待しているのが予測できます。解答のポイントは下線部で、“increase positive feelings toward oneself”をうまくパラフレーズした1番が正解です。
The first, Mindfulness of Breathing, is useful for stress relief and increasing one’s ability to relax. The second, called Metabahavana, translates to mean loving and kindness. Its purpose is to increase positive feelings towards oneself and others and to reduce unhealthy types of anger. The third is a type of walking meditation., and it helps increase body awareness and relaxation.
Q1. What is the purpose of Metabahavana?



Doctor-Patient Decide Together on Treatment
No. 1
1. They tend to monopolize the conversation.
2. They are sensitive to patient’s needs.
3. They like frequent give & take.
4. They are unwilling to make value judgments.

No. 2
1. Send nonverbal signals to the patients.
2. Ask patients personal questions.
3. Send patients to another hospital for Internet guidance.
4. Try to understand patients’ feelings and problems.
(Aug.11, 2003, CNN)




Really there’s three kinds of doctors. This is being a little simplistic, but I think important. And you should know what kind of doctor is best for you before you go there. There are paternal doctors. There are There are doctors that are basically going to talk to you, do a lot of the talking, tell you what’s wrong with you and probably do a lot less listening.


No.1 Which of the following characterizes “paternal doctors”?


There are some specific pieces of advice. Listen to the patient, no question. Empathize. And what I mean by that really is for the doctor to look at sort of the nonverbal as well. Look at the tone of voice. Look at how the patient is saying something. Look at the nonverbal cues in terms of ways they’re asking. Be sure the patient understands issues. Respect the patient, again, who wants a second opinion. And refer patients to quality Internet sites.

No.2 Which of the following should doctors do to communicate better with their patients?

  この問題は、質問せずに患者の言うことに耳を傾ける、そしてキーワードは、empathize(共感する: to be able to understand someone else’s feelings, problems etc. especially because you have had similar experiences)から4番が正解となります。「ネット上でのガイダンスを得るために患者に別の病院を紹介して行くように言う」紛らわしい選択肢が3番にありますが、4行目の下線部の「優良なインターネットサイトに患者を紹介する」という情報とは異なりこれは誤答(distractor)です。さて皆さんいかがでしたか。リスニング問題攻略のこつはわかってきましたか。このように選択肢から問題予測しながら、語彙力、イディオム力をUPさせつつ、すばやくパラフレーズを見抜いて正解を割り出せるようにトレーニングしていきましょう。 

  Let’s enjoy the process! (陽は必ず昇る!)