新傾向の読解問題は、全体的に配点が下がり 40点から26点に下がりましたが、よほどライティングが得意でもない限りは、合格を確かなものにするためには最低8割正解、特に語彙セクションが苦手な人は9割正解は目指して欲しいものです。そのためには英文をすばやく読んで、筆者が言いたいポイントを素早くキャッチする能力を養うと同時に、英検1級の読解問題の攻略法を知り、多少の未知語があってもすぐに正解が出せるようにトレーニングする必要があります。それでは、まず空所補充問題攻略法から入りましょう。





Guiding the Crystal Ball (平成12年1回英検問題)

(第1段落)政府認可の占い館は大丈夫? Sally’s Psychic Gallery is not an obvious place to seek the future. Located in a small brick building behind a gas station, the shop offers no outward sign of the supernatural. Prospective customers, be reassured: Sally possesses a fortune-telling license from the government of Cecil County, Maryland.
(第2段落)セシル郡は認可制度で消費者を(?) In an age when consumers are otherwise expected to look out for themselves. Cecil County is one of a handful of places that want to ( 31 ) the gullible. Anyone who wants to tell fortunes in the county needs a “License for Palm Readers, Fortune-Tellers, and soothsayers.” The county clerk checks a prospective fortune-teller’s background for any “crimes of moral turpitude” and then, if satisfied, collects a license fee of $250.
(第3段落)  しかし認可制度は効果なしの模様 But attempts to license fortune-tellers do not seem to have changed the nature of the industry. Because fortune-telling services are inexpensive to provide and the credentials of would-be seers difficult to check, the profession attracts more than its share of shady characters. When a California court ruling overturned a local ban on fortune-telling businesses, the town of Huntington Beach responded with a four-page licensing law designed to, in the words of a local policeman, “make people jump through a few hoops.” ( 32 ), this did not prevent one fortune-teller from conning more than $150,000 from her clients a few years later. The moral of the story? Let the buyer beware. 
(第4段落)効果の無い認可制などいっそ(?)しまえば。 If only so much can be done to safeguard the unwary, why not ( 33 ) these policies altogether? Such a move may actually be to the customer’s advantage --- an unscientific survey by this correspondent suggested that fees for fortune-telling services were higher in regulated Cecil County than elsewhere. Whether the county’s sages would benefit from future deregulation is anybody’s guess. Well, maybe not: Presumably, Sally and company have already seen the future.
(31) 1 justify 2 protect 3 neglect 4 pressure
(32) 1 Additionally 2 Primarily 3 Favorably 4 Predictably
(33) 1 give shape to 2 bring out  3 go ahead with 4 stop keeping


gullible (騙されやすい: too ready to believe what other people say, and therefore easy to trick.) soothsayers(易者、預言者) crimes of moral turpitude (倫理的に卑劣な犯罪) 

(32)は難易度の高い問題で、jump through a few hoopsconなどがわからないためにさっぱり文脈がつかめず頭がパニック状態になって誤答を選んでしまった人が多いようですが、こういった超難問もパラグラフリーディングをすれば簡単に解けます。つまりトピックセンテンスが「認可制度は効果なしだった」というこの段落のポイントから、正解は「やはり」を表す4が正解であることがわかります。最後の問題(33)もまた流れとパラグラフのポイントをつかめば簡単でしょう。第4段落のトピックセンテンスである第1文は”unwary”がわからなくても、”gullible”の言い換えであることがわかれば。簡単に解けます。このように優れた英文ライティングの特徴は、”protect”を”safeguard”で言い換えたり、「占い師」を、”fortune-tellers, soothsayers, sages, seers”といった具合にパラフレーズがなされます。こういった言い換えを見抜くことが英文読解力UPにつながります。参考のために第3、第4段落で使われた重要語句の解説を挙げておきます。

credential (免許) would-be seers (自称占い師) 
shady characters
overturn a local ban (禁止を覆す)  con(だます) trick someone in order to get their money or them to do something
jump through a few hoops
(試練を受ける) have to do a lot of difficult things as part of a process safeguard the unwary (不用人な人を護る) sage (賢者)  Presumably(おそらく、たぶん)


Let’s enjoy the process! (陽は必ず昇る!)